Trusted CI has released an updated version of the Open Science Cyber Risk Profile (OSCRP), with additions based on insights from its 2021 study of scientific software assurance:
Andrew Adams, Kay Avila, Elisa Heymann, Mark Krenz, Jason R. Lee, Barton Miller, and Sean Peisert. “The State of the Scientific Software World: Findings of the 2021 Trusted CI Software Assurance Annual Challenge Interviews,” September 2021.
Andrew Adams, Kay Avila, Elisa Heymann, Mark Krenz, Jason R. Lee, Barton Miller, and Sean Peisert. “Guide to Securing Scientific Software,” December 2021. DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.5777646
…and its 2022 study on scientific operational technology:
Emily K. Adams, Daniel Gunter, Ryan Kiser, Mark Krenz, Sean Peisert, Susan Sons, and John Zage. “Findings of the 2022 Trusted CI Study on the Security of Operational Technology in NSF Scientific Research,” July 13, 2022. DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.6828675
A new section on risk profiling of cloud computing was also added. The full reference for the OSCRP is:
Sean Peisert, Von Welch, Andrew Adams, RuthAnne Bevier, Michael Dopheide, Rich LeDuc, Pascal Meunier, Steve Schwab, and Karen Stocks. Open Science Cyber Risk Profile (OSCRP), Version 1.3.3. October 2022. DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.7268749
The OSCRP is a document, initially released in 2017, designed to help principal investigators and their supporting information technology professionals assess cybersecurity risks related to open science projects. The OSCRP was the culmination of extensive discussions with research and education community leaders, and has since become a widely-used resource, including numerous references in recent National Science Foundation (NSF) solicitations.
The OSCRP is a living document and will continue to be refreshed as technology and threats change, and as new insights are acquired.
Comments, questions, and suggestions about this post, and both documents are always welcome at