The DDIDD Project (DDoS Defense in Depth for DNS) is applying existing and developing new defenses against Distributed-Denial-of-Service attacks for operational DNS infrastructure. We are building a defense-in-depth approach to mitigate Distributed Denial-of-Service attacks for DNS servers, with approaches to filter spoofed traffic, identify known-good traffic when possible, and employ cloud-based scaling to handle the largest attacks. We are working with USC's B-Root team to test our approaches as a case study, and are making approaches open source as they become available. This talk will summarize the project and our overall approach, provide details about some of our early filters and filter selection, and describe where we plan to go in the remaining year.John Heidemann is a principal scientist at the University of Southern California/Information Sciences Institute (USC/ISI) and a research professor at USC in Computer Science. At ISI he leads the ANT (Analysis of Network Traffic) Lab, studying how to observe and analyze Internet topology and traffic to improve network reliability, security, protocols, and critical services. He is a senior member of ACM and fellow of IEEE.
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