Dear friends of CTSC,
We're writing to announce that the Center for Trustworthy Scientific Cyberinfrastructure (CTSC) is becoming Trusted CI, the NSF Cybersecurity Center of Excellence.
Why are we making this change? While it clearly conveyed our mission, our initial name was a mouthful -- and, with the added CCoE designation, we found that people struggled to remember it. Trusted CI will build better name recognition, through consistent branding across our website ( and social media (@TrustedCI).
The new name still emphasizes what we're about: Achieving the NSF goal of creating high-quality, trusted cyberinfrastructure (CI) that supports high-quality, trusted science. It will also make it easier for you to remember how to get help for your NSF CI projects: Email (be sure to identify which NSF project your query relates to).
As we roll out the new branding this spring, we'd like to extend an active invitation to engage our services. From quick questions to collaborative engagements lasting months, Trusted CI tackles challenges of all sizes.
We're happy to assist with anything related to cybersecurity for NSF CI projects, and we're focused on tailored solutions that impact your work as little as possible. And now all you have to remember is Trusted CI!