Von Welch will be presenting the talk, "Cybersecurity to Enable Science: Hindsight & Vision from the NSF Cybersecurity Center of Excellence," at the National Center for Supercomputing Applications on Thursday, May 30th at 10am Central.
Read the full event details here. We are streaming the presentation online if you are not able to attend in person.
How can cybersecurity play an enabling role in scientific research? This talk describes the first five years of experience from NSF Cybersecurity Center of Excellence, its vision for the next five, and its take on how cybersecurity supports scientific integrity, reproducibility, and productivity.Speaker Bio: Von Welch has been enabling scientific research through cybersecurity for over twenty years. He serves as the Director and PI for the NSF Cybersecurity Center of Excellence (Trusted CI) and for the recently announced NSF-funded Research Security Operations Center (ResearchSOC). At Indiana University he is the Director of the Center for Applied Cybersecurity Research (CACR) and an Associate Director for the IU Pervasive Technology Institute.
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