Tuesday, February 16, 2021

Trusted CI Begins Engagement with Open OnDemand


Open OnDemand is funded by NSF OAC and is an open-source HPC portal based on the Ohio Supercomputer Center original OnDemand portal. The goal of Open OnDemand is to provide an easy way for system administrators to provide web access to their HPC resources.

Open OnDemand is now facing increased community adoption. As a result, it is becoming a critical production service for many HPC centers and clients. By improving the overall security of the project, we will ensure that it continues to be a trusted and reliable platform for the hundreds of centers and tens of thousands of clients that regularly utilize it. 

Open OnDemand has engaged with Trusted CI to support their efforts to further develop the project’s ability to produce secure software. Trusted CI previously conducted an in-depth vulnerability assessment applying the FPVA methodology to Open OnDemand software. The results of this prior assessment will help to inform the activities of this engagement. During the course of the prior FPVA assessment, Trusted CI staff worked directly to test Open OnDemand’s software to identify vulnerabilities with support from the Open OnDemand team. Trusted CI will now work with Open OnDemand to improve the project’s ability to maintain the security of their software as changes are made and to identify and mitigate future vulnerabilities.

Upon completion of the engagement, Trusted CI will produce a published report describing the work performed, potential impact to the open-science community, and areas Open OnDemand may find appropriate for future engagements.