Friday, July 29, 2022

Trusted CI Co-authors Identity Management Cookbook for NSF Major Facilities

Trusted CI’s Josh Drake has co-authored a new document addressing many identity management (IdM) challenges present at NSF Major Facilities. Due to their size and collaborative missions, Major Facilities often have many users, across multiple organizations, all with different access permissions to a diverse collection of CI resources. The Federated Identity Management Cookbook aims to address these challenges by providing time-tested “recipes” for building IdM capabilities, as well as a primer on the topic of IdM itself.

“While operating the IdM working group and CI Compass, we had many opportunities to engage with major facilities on identity and access management issues facing researchers. We were able to explore a variety of options to help researchers integrate federated identities into their cyberinfrastructure,” said Josh Drake. “This cookbook represents the distilled version of months of engagement with the MF community and a primer to identity management concepts that we hope will be of use to research cyberinfrastructure operators everywhere.” Trusted CI’s Ryan Kiser and Adrian Crenshaw also participated in the engagements that contributed to the cookbook.

This work was created in partnership with Erik Scott (RENCI) and CI Compass. CI Compass provides expertise and active support to cyberinfrastructure practitioners at NSF Major Facilities in order to accelerate the data lifecycle and ensure the integrity and effectiveness of the cyberinfrastructure upon which research and discovery depend.

The cookbook is available in the CI Compass Resource Library  and on Zenodo. See CI Compass’s website to read the full press release.