Tuesday, June 13, 2023

Trusted CI Trains NSF ACCESS STEP Students in Miami

Through an invitation by the NSF ACCESS project (NSF grants #2138259, #2138286, #2138307, #2137603, and #2138296), Mark Krenz and Ishan Abhinit from Trusted CI visited Florida International University in Miami on May 24th to conduct a security log analysis workshop for a group of students. The workshop was part of a two week long Student Training and Engagement Program (STEP), which offers success workshops and specialized advising.

Mark and Ishan modified their regular half-day security log analysis workshop to fit into a 2 hour schedule. They also tailored their presentation content so that it would better fit the audience, which consisted of undergrad students from a variety of institutions. They also provided a brief introduction to cybersecurity careers and how they entered the field. The security log analysis workshop was attended by 15 students. Later that day, Mark and Ishan accompanied students to the next workshop given by FIU faculty on 'Sniffing and Password Cracking' where they assisted them in completing the exercises and providing additional insight. They were also able to provide one on one guidance and encouragement to students that had more specific concerns about entering the field of cybersecurity.