GenApp (NSF OAC-1740097) is a tool for rapidly generating science gateways. The goal of GenApp is to provide a graphical frontend and associated server backend for command line scientific applications. Trusted CI began an engagement with GenApp in January 2018, and completed the engagement in June 2018.
The engagement focused on performing a security review of the GenApp codebase and the various web applications generated by GenApp, as well as evaluating the technologies and architectures utilized by the GenApp development framework. Trusted CI worked with the GenApp team to create architectural diagrams, ran automated tools to analyze GenApp systems, and manually inspected key components of source code for vulnerabilities.
Findings included the need for more systematic sanitization of user input, keeping libraries up to date, and recommendations for secure settings of web services of GenApp-generated applications.
The GenApp staff has graciously consented to publication of the engagement report after a sufficient period to implement suggestions for remediation of issues. Trusted CI will contact GenApp towards the end of 2018 to verify that issues have been addressed, after which the engagement report will be made available to the public. The hope is that other NSF-funded projects which are primarily software-based can learn from the tasks accomplished during this engagement.