The Trustworthy Data Working Group has published a report at https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.3906865 that summarizes the results from our survey of scientific data security concerns and practices. 111 participants completed the survey from a wide range of positions and roles within their organizations and projects. We invite the community’s feedback on this report and input to the ongoing work of the working group via the working group mailing list. You may also send input directly to Jim Basney at jbasney@illinois.edu.
Next, the working group will be developing guidance on trustworthy data for science projects and cyberinfrastructure developers, based on the survey results and on resources from NIST, RDA, ESIP and others. Related work includes NIST 1800-25, the TRUST Principles for Digital Repositories, and Risk Assessment for Scientific Data. The working group will also be providing input into the next revision of the Open Science Cyber Risk Profile (OSCRP).
Working group membership is open to all who are interested. Please visit https://www.trustedci.org/2020-trustworthy-data for details.